Artist statement
I use acrylic markers, ecoline, and watercolor paint to create my drawings. They are materials that dry quickly, allowing me to work continuously. I often operate without a predetermined plan because of this. Every action is a response to the one before it. The world around me strongly influences my work. The speed, the crowds, the amount of films and images, the never-ending trends, and the advertisements. Although it is not the focus of my drawings, it influences everything I create, frequently without my awareness. There are several drawings. Finding the threshold for when it becomes too busy interests me. And is that a bad thing? Because there is so much to look at, it allows you to hide anything everywhere. I want you to keep watching and discover new things!
In a large studio full of sunshine, I want to continue creating work and earn a living from it.
Geleerd tijdens de studie
Always create new things and experiment. Try new things: otherwise, you'll get trapped.
Overzicht van publicaties / exposities / prijzen / concerten / voorstellingen etc.
Zinc Goat 9-12-2021
Metamorfosis Sexyland 27-02-2021
Vergeten Sprookjes. 13-03-2022
Geen paniek, NIEtS IS ONDER CONTROLE, Galerie Lokaal Eisicht Solo expositie 25-06-2022
Kaffeetaria Utrecht expositie 11-09-2022
VPRO Take Over 6-03-2023
Coming: Paradiso Amsterdam gevel expositie 9-06-2023-